根据相关计划,自2月14日起,深圳蛇口至珠海九洲港往返航线复航。 附上最新航班时刻表
2021年市场回顾 经济向好行情火热 2021年,中国经济发展呈现出强大的修复能力和旺盛的活力,结构调整稳步推进,高质量发展取得显著成效。然而,全球经济虽开启复苏,但变异毒株快速传播导致疫情反弹,欧美多国供应链因疫情反弹而恶化,生产恢复不及预期,需求向“中国制造”倾斜,出口订单猛增,拉动国内工业、制造业产量上升。前三季度,中国GDP同比增长9.8%,其中一季度增速高达18.3%,二三季度增速有所回落,分别增长7.9%和4.9%。预计全年同比增长8%。 中国主要经济指标均较好增长,前10月固定资产投资增速为5.2%,增速较2020年同期提升2.6个百分点;规模以上工业增加值同比增长10.1%,增速较2020年同期提升7.8个百分点。 经济基本面改善对运输需求拉动力增强,市场运量呈现较快增长。据交通运输部统计,前11月全国水路货运量完成74.9亿吨,同比增长8.5%,增速较2020年同期提升12.1个百分点;完成货物运输周转量104518.0亿吨公里,同比增长9.6%,增速较2020年同期提升12.6个百分点。 港口方面,前11月沿海港口完成货物吞吐量91.4亿吨,同比增长5.4%,增速较2020年同期提升2.2个百分点。 2021年,运输市场行情火热,前三季度煤炭供给持续紧张,在库存下探、煤价飙升诸多压力下,电厂租船情绪普遍高涨。然而运力周转受制于天气、疫情、港口货源短缺等影响,效率普遍偏低,加之兼营船舶大量涌入外贸市场,运力供给紧张持续加剧,运价震荡上行。四季度,市场更是迎来高点行情,煤炭保供政策成效显现,产运各环节齐齐发力,煤炭市场供需两旺,拉动运价冲上近十年最高水平。12月,下游煤炭库存迅速回升,煤价下行,市场观望情绪渐浓,运价快速回落。 2021年,上海航运交易所发布的中国沿海(散货)综合运价指数均值为1299.35点,同比上涨25.0%;全年指数最高值为12月3日的1622.50点,为2011年以来新高(见图1)。 煤炭运输 2021年,中国沿海煤炭运输市场主要呈现如下特点: 基本面促需求增长 2021年,中国防控疫情成效突出,产业链供应链稳定,经济运行持续向好。固定资产投资、房地产开发投资、基础设施建设投资均呈现较快增长,工业生产、制造业也在国际复杂形势以及全球疫情反复影响下迎来契机,基本面对煤炭需求拉动持续强劲。 前11月,全国全社会用电量74972亿千瓦时,同比增长11.4%。工业和制造业用电增速均有较好表现。其中,工业用电量同比增长10.2%,增速较2020年同期提升8.1个百分点;制造业用电量同比增长10.9%,增速较2020年同期提升8.5个百分点。水电同比则下降2.2%,社会用电需求更加依赖于化石燃料发电,火力发电迎来较大增长空间。 前11月,全国规模以上电厂火电发电量52227亿千瓦时,同比增长9.9%,增速较2020年同期提高7.2个百分点。 前10月,全国电厂累计耗煤18.7亿吨,同比增长18.0%;日均耗煤量615.41万吨,同比增长20.9%。 供应不足供需偏紧 受环保检查、土地执法以及产地煤矿安全生产专项整治等影响,煤炭新增产能不及预期。前11月,中国原煤产量36.74亿吨,同比仅增长4.2%。 供给增长不及需求增长,前三季度煤炭供需缺口持续放大,下游电厂库存不断下探。截至9月31日,广东、福建、广西、江苏、浙江、山东和上海等七省市电厂平均存煤可用天数较2020年同期分别减少24.4天、7.3天、31.6天、8.5天、31.1天、4.3天和2.4天(见图2)。 2021年以来,各级政府高度重视能源保供问题,相关部委煤炭保供政策密集出台,调控措施加紧落实。先进产能有序释放,供给结构持续优化,产量稳步增长。大型煤企主动保供稳价,保证低价煤稳定兑现。四季度,保供政策成效显现,煤炭供需情况明显改善,发运港及下游电厂库存迅速回升。 12月17日,广东、福建、广西、江苏、浙江、山东、上海等七省市电厂存煤可用天数分别较三季度末不同程度回升。 进口煤量前低后高 2021年,中国煤炭进口呈前低后高走势。由于澳大利亚单方面破坏中澳关系,中方对澳洲煤进口实行严格管控,自澳大利亚进口煤为零。同时,国际煤炭市场火热,进口煤价持续上涨,国际海运费居高不下,春节后一度出现国内外煤价倒挂情况,进口煤价优势明显减弱。鉴于各种因素叠加,前5月中国累计进口煤炭11116.6万吨,同比下降25.2%。 下半年,煤炭供需紧张格局加剧,中国煤炭进口力度逐步加大。相关部委多措并举提升煤炭泊位利用率以及港口通关效率,终端投标采购积极,多渠道寻找货源,进口煤量明显提升。6月开始,中国煤炭进口单月均大幅增长,前11月中国进口煤炭29232.1万吨,同比增长10.6%,与前5月形成巨大反差(见图3)。 供需紧张助涨煤价 煤炭供应偏紧,煤价波动剧烈。春节前,冬季民用电需求提升叠加工业用电增长,旺季特征凸显,煤炭供不应求,环渤海5500大卡动力煤现货价格突破1000元/吨。之后,春节效应显现,需求降至年内低点,煤价滑落至旺季前水平。3月开始,中国经济形势稳步向好,煤炭需求恢复且高需求有延续预期,煤价震荡上行。期间,国家增产保供政策落实力度加强,但煤矿事故接连发生,安全生产叠加环保要求,煤炭增产不及预期,供给缺口不断放大,9月中旬煤炭现货价格超1500元/吨。中秋、国庆“双节”后,供需矛盾进一步加剧,煤价加速上涨,现货一度冲高至2500元/吨。 10月19日,在国家高度重视下,国家发改委连续发文保供稳价,终端库存迅速回升,煤价快速回落,几近腰斩。在保民生、稳发展政策引导下,煤价回归理性。 北方港煤运量增长 经济稳定发展、民生用电保障均离不开港口电煤中转的支持。2021年,煤炭供应形势引起社会各界广泛关注,各大煤炭发运港切实发挥国有企业责任担当,积极对接上游煤企和铁路运输部门,开通电煤运输“绿色通达”,加大煤炭进出港组织力度,优化缩短作业周期,全力保障能源运输通道畅通,助推能源保供,缓解“燃煤之急”。 前11月,全国主要港口内贸煤炭发运量完成7.58亿吨,同比增长9.7%,其中沿海港口内贸煤炭发运量完成7.30亿吨,同比增长8.5%。 具体港口来看:唐山港稳居内贸煤炭发运第一大港,2021年发运量同比增长18.5%,增速较2020年提升26.3个百分点;黄骅港、天津港前11月内贸煤炭发运量同比分别增长4.1%和7.5%;受港口转型发展及业务分流影响,秦皇岛港内贸煤发运量同比下降1.3%。 市场运价快速上涨 前三季度,煤炭供给增长不及需求,进口煤增量有限,煤价持续攀高,库存低位运行,电厂发电任务异常艰巨。在诸多压力下,电厂采购热情保持旺盛,租船需求持续向好。 由于港口资源持续紧张,且煤种结构性短缺问题突出,大量北上装运船舶需待港等货,环渤海港口压港现象频现,船舶运营效率普遍降低。此外,2021年外贸运输市场表现极为亮眼,行情高涨,不少兼营船舶外流国际市场。但在疫情防控要求下,兼营船舶“外出容易、回来难”,回归内贸市场需付出一定的时间及费用成本。即便内贸市场好于外贸,多数兼营船舶仍选择在外贸航线上运营。煤炭供应紧张格局叠加疫情防控,国内有效运力缩减明显,面对运输需求较好表现,运力供给长时间偏紧,支撑运价震荡上行。 四季度,市场行情发生转变。在国家高度重视下,煤炭保供政策频出,落实力度加大,外加各方响应,煤炭产量增长明显,下游积极拉升库存,煤炭市场一度呈现供需两旺火热场景,带动运输需求进一步提升,煤炭运价快速上涨,并不断刷出新高,并在12月初达到最高。之后,下游电厂库存普遍回升至较高水平,租船需求逐步滑落。在煤炭供应充足背景下,船舶压港情况好转,运力过剩显现,运价大幅下调。 2021年,上海航运交易所发布的中国沿海煤炭运价指数均值为1145.62点,同比上涨67.9%。秦皇岛至广州(6万~7万DWT)和秦皇岛至张家港(4万~5万DWT)两条航线的市场平均运价分别为57.2元/吨和49.0元/吨,较2020年分别上涨24.5元/吨和21.4元/吨;全年指数最高点为12月1日 的1789.94点,为发布以来新高(见图4)。 铁矿石运输 2021年,中国沿海金属矿石运输市场主要呈现如下特点: 压减粗钢产量见效 2021年,钢铁行业呈现“减量提质”新特点。上半年,在中国经济回暖背景下,主要用钢行业稳定向好,钢材需求保持旺盛,粗钢产量大幅增加,最高时的3月份产量同比增幅接近20%。7月起,在碳达峰碳中和(“双碳”)政策指导下,工信部压减粗钢产量工作进入实施阶段,粗钢产量迅速下降。8月开始,粗钢、生铁、钢材产量较上半年月均压减近2000万吨,同比均呈两位数下降。 国家统计局数据显示,前11月中国粗钢、生铁和钢材产量分别为9.46亿、7.96亿、12.23亿吨,同比分别为-2.6%、1.0%、-4.2%(见表)。 进口总量同比萎缩 粗钢产量压减是严格执行环保政策、优化供给侧的重要举措,也是平抑大宗商品通胀、对冲铁矿石价格“虚火”的重要手段。产量压减工作的落实,使钢铁行业进入减量发展阶段,对中国铁矿石进口需求形成一定制约,铁矿石进口量从6月起连续5个月同比下滑。前11月,中国铁矿石累计进口10.4亿吨,同比下降3.2%。 前11月,沿海主要港口外贸铁矿石接卸量8.48亿吨,同比下降4.4%。具体港口来看,产能压减对北方港口影响较大,营口港、天津港进口矿不同程度减少,两大港口进口矿接卸量较2020年同期分别下降5.7%、5.4%。“双碳”要求、能耗“双控”叠加环保督察,唐山港外贸进口矿接卸量同比下降18%。山东以及华东地区进口矿需求表现较好,青岛港、日照港、宁波舟山港外贸进口矿接卸量同比分别增长4.0%、2.6%、1.4%。 港口库存加速上行 上半年,钢厂生产情况较好,中国港口铁矿石库存平稳运行。下半年,粗钢产量压减政策出台,铁矿石需求明显下滑。9月,能耗“双控”进一步压缩钢材产量,之后在冬季限产力度更大、范围更广的背景下,中国钢铁产量保持低位,原材料需求继续降低,港口库存加速上行。 截至12月24日,中国铁矿石港口库存为1.55亿吨左右,较年初增长26.5%;全年库存均值为1.32亿吨,同比增长12.6%。 水运中转需求下滑 下半年,铁矿石需求受环保要求提升、高耗能产业限制力度加大、冬季限产等因素影响,部分港口进口矿中转需求受到较大影响。分区域来看,山东地区进口矿更多由腹地钢厂消化,前11月青岛港、日照港铁矿石内贸发运量同比分别下跌9.2%、10.9%。伴随上海港煤、矿中转业务退出,华东及进江铁矿石中转需求进一步向宁波舟山港集聚,前11月宁波舟山港铁矿石内贸发运量同比上涨5.8%。 金属矿石运价上涨 2021年,受钢铁限产政策影响,沿海金属矿石运输需求趋弱,运价涨幅不及煤炭,起伏更多地受煤炭运输市场左右。2021年,中国沿海金属矿石运价指数均值为1098.28点,同比上涨52.2%。 上半年,经济基本面拉动较强,铁矿石、煤炭等大宗散货需求虽有季节性起伏,但均有较好表现,铁矿石与煤炭运价走势基本同步。下半年,钢铁生产限产力度不断加大,金属矿石运输需求趋弱,运价上涨动力主要来自煤炭运输市场。 截至12月24日,中国沿海金属矿石运价指数年内最高点为12月3日的1425.74点,较年内最低点(2月10日)上涨124.3%(见图5)。 石油运输 原油生产保持增长 2021年,在全球经济持续复苏、货币政策维持宽松以及原油供需平衡缓慢修复、天然气价格大幅上涨等因素的推动下,国际油价整体上行,运行区间不断上移。中国炼油行业产能呈现扩张趋势,原油生产保持增长。受经济形势、“双碳”政策以及石油消费结构转型升级等因素影响,国内原油进口需求及成品油消费继续受到抑制,原油进口及成品油需求则出现阶段性见顶。 中国原油产量继续稳步增加,前11月完成1.82亿吨,同比增长2.5%,增幅较2020年同期增加0.9个百分点;原油加工量完成6.45亿吨,同比增长4.9%,增速较2020年同期增加1.8个百分点。前11月,原油表观消费量6.50亿吨,同比下降4.8%,增幅较2020年同期减少12.3个百分点。 原油价格大幅上涨 随着全球范围新冠疫苗接种的有序推进,全球原油需求明显回暖。2021年以来原油价格从49美元/桶一路上涨,10月中旬突破80美元/桶,最高达到84美元/桶。四季度后期,受奥密克戎毒株蔓延影响,原油价格由峰值下跌后起伏不定。 原油价格高涨,为成品油带来强劲支撑。一季度,国内需求复苏,同时主营及地炼迎来大检修季节,汽柴油价格低位反弹。二季度,国内轻循及混芳、稀释沥青正式收取消费税。三季度,国内柴油资源供应全面紧缺,汽柴油库存降至低位,汽柴油价格快速推涨至批发和零售的最高限价。四季度,炼厂柴油增产,同时减少出口,资源紧张逐步缓解,汽柴油价格应声下跌。成品油价格2021年经历25次调整,其中上涨15次,共累计上调汽油1345元/吨,柴油1295元/吨。 油品对外依存略低 2021年,中国原油进口出现20年来最大的下降幅度,海关总署公布数据显示,前11月中国进口原油4.67亿吨,同比下跌7.3%,较2020年同期回落16.8个百分点,罕见地出现连续7个月月度进口量较2020年同期降低的情况。原油进口量下降,对外依存度回落到72%附近。不过考虑到2020年中国超量进口,高基数造成2021年原油进口相对回落(见图6)。 海关统计显示,前11月中国出口成品油总计5708万吨,同比增长2.1%,增幅较2020年同期增加9.0个百分点。11月10日,年内第三批成品油出口配额文件正式下发,由此2021年国内成品油出口配额总量3760万吨左右,较2020年缩减2141万吨左右,同比下降36.3%。 未来成品油过剩不再过度依赖于以出口转移压力,如何促进内销或者产能转移将是中国炼化企业需要面对的问题。 主要港口原油下降 2021年,中国计划新增炼化产能2600万吨,虽有浙江石化二期、盛虹石化等大炼化项目陆续投产,仍能感受到中国原油需求增速的下滑,前11月中国主要港口进口原油接卸量完成3.82亿吨,同比增长3.2%,增速较2020年同期减少5.6个百分点。 主要港口中,除湛江港、烟台港、唐山港依托于炼化一体化项目,港口吞吐量前11月分别增长51.7%、28.4%和10.6%,延续良好增长;其他港口吞吐量同比均下跌或持平。整体港口运输情况较上半年呈明显下降态势。 运价:原油平稳,成油下跌 沿海省际运输油品船运力规模保持平稳增长。截至6月30日,沿海省际油船共计1232艘、1103.9万DWT,分别较2020年底增加11艘、16.6万DWT,增幅为1.5%。沿海原油运力供应充足,原油运输行情总体平稳。 2021年,上海航运交易所发布的中国沿海原油货种运价指数均值为1541.72点,同比微跌0.6%。 按照“双碳”的要求,中国加强成品油市场监管以及消费税清查,严控进口原油与出口成品油配额,鼓励新能源不断发展,油品经营环境发生较大改变,成品油市场竞争进入白热化。 从国内资源供应端来看,上半年受浙石化二期2000万吨加工能力装置2020年底正式投产与已投产的恒力、宝来以及浙石化一期等影响,资源供大于求的矛盾愈加突出;下半年受国际原油价格强势攀升、全国各地限产限电政策影响,国内能源供应紧张,成品油市场尤其柴油市场供应出现紧张。 需求端来看,由于上半年各地疫情管控较好,受“就地过年”政策及“清明”“五一”“端午”等节日带动,国内成品油市场消费量回升较为明显;下半年华东地区先后经历江苏、福建和浙江疫情的影响,流通受限,成品油呈现部分地区汽油库存高企而局部地区柴油供应短缺的矛盾。 总体上,前三季度成品油库存持续保持高位,港口等卸时间较长,船期延后,运价承压下跌。四季度,因国内成品油供应较紧,行情持续上涨,运价小幅攀升。此外,2021年长航线货运量明显减少,而华东地区中短航线运量增加抑制运价上升。部分平台的介入也促使船东理性竞争。 2021年,中国沿海成品油运价指数均值为1054.01点,同比下跌7.4%(见图7)。 《2022年市场展望》 外需放缓内需难补 2021年,中国经济内生动力加强,经济持续稳定恢复。全球能源危机导致国际大宗商品价格上涨,给中国经济带来输入性影响,能源商品价格创历史新高。 2022年,疫情阴霾挥之不去,供应链修复不易,全球经济增长或放缓。中国经济面临的外部环境依然复杂多变,疫情对经济的影响依然存在;楼市预期发生变化,地方政府债务风险上升;中小企业经营困难增大,投资增长面临的掣肘因素较多;结构性就业压力增大,收入增速放缓,市场预期不稳,消费恢复依然面临诸多困难。 总体判断,2022年外需增长放缓,内需短期难以补位,经济下行压力增大,预计全年GDP增长5%左右,增幅较2021年减少3个百分点。 煤炭运输 影响2022年煤炭运输市场走势的主要因素有: 产量保持小幅增长 2021年10月以来,国家相关部门扎实推进煤炭增产保供稳价工作,推动煤炭优质产能加快释放,煤炭供需形势得到显著改善。 据悉,国家相关部门和主要产煤省区已筛选出近200处符合安全增产保供条件的煤矿列入应急保供名单,推动这些优质煤炭产能加快释放,可增加产能约3亿吨/年。 随着煤炭优质产能有效释放,预计2022年煤炭产量将保持小幅增长,增速介于1%~2%,中国煤炭供应保障能力将继续增强。 消费水平低速增长 根据“十四五”规划,到2025年非化石能源消费比重达到20%左右,单位国内生产总值能源消耗同比下降13.5%,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放同比下降18%,煤炭消费增长将得到严格控制。 “双碳”背景下,煤炭消费减少是大势所趋。在《2030年前碳达峰行动方案》中,中国提出要推进煤炭消费替代和转型升级,加快煤炭减量步伐。中国煤炭工业协会预测“十四五”煤炭消费增速为0.5%。 根据中国煤炭工业协会发布的《煤炭工业“十四五”高质量发展指导意见》,到“十四五”末中国煤炭产量控制在41亿吨左右,煤炭消费量控制在42亿吨左右,年均消费增长0.5%左右。 用电增速小幅回落 随着全球大部分国家从疫情中逐步恢复生产,外贸行业面临下行压力,同时中国能耗“双控”持续,上游原材料制造等产业面临能源消费总量限制;随着“双碳”工作的推进,部分行业以清洁能源代煤计划逐步推进,预计2022年工业用电增速回落。 长协稳价支撑市场 全国煤炭交易会2021年12月3日公布由国家发改委制定的《2022年煤炭长期合同签订履约方案(征求意见稿)》,明确2022年煤炭长协签订范围进一步扩大,核定能力在30万吨及以上的煤企原则上均被纳入签订范围。 价格方面,“基准价+浮动价”的定价机制不变,但征求意见稿提出,2022年的动力煤长协将每月一调。5500大卡动力煤调整区间在550~850元,其中下水煤长协基准价为700元/吨,较此前的535元上调约31%。相较以往的长协煤价,2022年长协基准价有一定上浮,同时波动范围也有扩大。但另一方面,国家稳定煤价保民生的态度坚决,坚持长协全覆盖,长协价高于往年为煤价提供托底,但煤价运行中枢相对2021年将明显下移。 进口保持低速增长 2022年,中国煤炭进口来源或将发生变化,来自俄罗斯、印尼和蒙古国的煤炭出口商与中国企业达成2022年度国际市场动力煤中长期合同。据了解,首批签约量为2560万吨左右。 近年来,进口煤已成为煤炭市场稳供应、调价格的重要砝码,未来进口煤将进一步参与国家煤炭产供储销体系建设,充分利用国际煤炭资源,助力国内煤炭保供稳价工作和市场平稳运行。2022年动力煤进口量仍以平控为主,进口弹性随煤价波动。 不确定性因素颇多 2021年,中国部分地区发生煤矿事故,不仅涉及中小型煤矿,也包括多家百万吨和千万吨级大型煤矿。在此背景下,为加强煤矿安全生产工作,国家及地方安监局出台多项政策,并在重点产煤地区开展严格监察执法。违规生产状态下造成重大安全生产事故,将被追究刑事责任,煤矿超产将被遏制。 考虑到2021年下半年大量产能加速投放,2022年从降低安全风险角度出发,高标准安检可能延续,煤矿事故以及相应的问题整治仍将是影响产能释放的不确定性因素。此外,保供限产、税收、稳价等政策的出台与否,都将对煤炭市场和运输市场产生较大的影响。 运价水平同比回落 2022年,中国经济基本面对煤炭需求的支撑力度总体上将有所减弱。煤炭产量小幅增长,煤炭消费和需求低速增长,进口煤作为调节阀,市场供需关系得到改善。煤价则受长协定价政策和市场稳价政策共同作用,波动区间整体下移。 2022年,市场需求稳定,加上近两年新增运力未有大幅增加,运力供需总体平衡。除极端天气、疫情防控要求及应急措施引发的市场运价阶段性波动外,市场船货整体平衡,运价水平较2021年有所回落。 铁矿石运输 影响2022年沿海铁矿石运输市场走势的主要因素有: 基本面支撑或趋弱 房建方面,中央经济工作会议提出“推进保障性住房建设”,或对地产需求预期有一定正向的边际拉动,预计2022年保障性租赁住房新建规模在2000亿~3000亿元。基建方面,“稳增长”陆续加码,2022年投资增速平稳提升,除 “新基建”和绿色投资外,高耗钢的传统基建(交通、市政等)也将成为主要抓手,对整体钢需将起到一定托底的作用。 制造业方面,预计2022年或有一定向下的压力,但总体较房建温和。 钢铁产量同比下降 全国各省发布的产能置换公告中统计的数据显示,2022年钢厂产能净投放微增,且主要集中在12月份。 2022年,根据“2+26”城采暖季限产政策,1月1日—3月15日,各有关地区钢厂错峰生产比例不低于上一年同期粗钢产量的30%。2021年前3月采暖季期间这些地区粗钢产量9294万吨,那么2022年采暖季产量要求同比减少2788万吨左右,假设后期政策仍是同比不增,预计2022年粗钢产量同比减少3000万吨左右。据中国钢铁协会预测,2022年粗钢产量为10.17亿吨,生铁产量为8.24亿吨左右,同比均有下降,幅度在3%~5%。 市场价格或将下跌 在“双碳”的大背景下,中国钢铁需求逐步见顶,同时废钢对铁水的替代效应逐步显现;全球经济在2021年得到恢复后,铁水需求也难再有明显增量。 2022年,全球对铁矿需求或将逐步减少,全年铁矿产量或增加5000万吨以上。在需求减少预期下,铁矿石价格水平将下移。 需求下滑难以避免 由于高耗能行业生产受能耗“双控”影响较为明显,预计2022年钢铁、水泥等高耗能行业的生产将继续受限。 铁矿石需求下行趋势难以避免,预计2022年钢材消费将同比下滑1.2%左右。考虑到2022年“房住不炒”的政策基调难以大幅放松,新开工面积或仍将承压收缩,受益于地产周期前端的黑色金属或仍将面临不小的压力。 同时,在“双碳”目标下,短流程电炉钢的发展或将受益于顶层政策设计。随着废钢供应逐渐宽松,以及再生钢铁原料进口放开,预计废钢消费量将持续提升,对铁矿石形成替代。2022年,铁矿石供需结构将更趋宽松,沿江、沿海钢厂产能下降或制约铁矿石运输需求,中国沿海金属矿石运价走势与煤炭运价保持同步,总体水平或略低于2021年。 石油运输 影响2022年沿海油品运输市场走势的主要因素有: 国际油价先稳后跌 2022年,国际油价将先稳后跌。上半年价格偏高,下半年价格偏低,全年油价波动重心在65~70美元/桶。从趋势来看,国际油价重心恐将逐步下移,这不仅是由供应增加而需求降低导致,同样也是由货币政策不断趋紧所决定。货币政策转向首先冲击的是宏观市场,原油作为宏观属性较强的品种,缩紧政策后将会压制过热的经济,需求端受到影响;同时,加大投资后供应陆续恢复到疫前的水平。供需两端发力,油市的重心水平恐将呈现下降的趋势。 因目前中国成品油价格无论从成本还是政策面考虑,皆与国际原油价格联动性强,故随着原油价格涨跌,一方面中国成品油零售限价将顺势涨跌,另一方面市场业者心态起伏明显,从而带动成品油批发价格的调整,影响市场需求。 炼油能力持续提升 2021年,中国炼油行业净增能力1474万吨,总能力达到9.00亿吨。新增能力来自盛虹炼化、鑫海化工和凯意石化,多家民企淘汰1226万吨/年能力;原油加工量同比增长4.5%,增量来自浙江石化二期及中科炼化等。全国炼厂平均开工率升至78%左右。 “十四五”期间,中国仍将有多家千万吨级炼厂建成投产,预计净增能力0.96亿吨/年(新增1.37亿吨/年,淘汰0.4亿吨/年),预计2025年中国炼油能力将达9.8亿吨/年,成为世界第一大炼油国。随着中国市场化进程进一步加快,市场参与主体增多将导致市场竞争进一步加剧,中国炼厂布局将很有可能出现洗牌重组的情况,从而影响运输配送结构。 需求消费均受抑制 “双碳”政策下中国石油消费也在发生变革。国内原油进口配额管理明显收紧,2022年原油非国营贸易进口允许量为24300万吨,同比持平。从终端消费来看,国内除航空煤油消费仍受到疫情冲击外,其他终端油品消费基本回归到正常范围,但受到国家碳减排以及消费结构转型等一系列政策的影响,国内成品油表观消费连续3年下降。整体来看,受经济形势、“双碳”政策以及石油消费结构转型升级等因素影响,未来国内原油进口需求及成品油消费均将继续受到抑制。 运价:原油平稳,成油波动 2022年,中国港口外贸原油进港量预计小幅下跌。沿海原油运力供应充足,由于实行市场准入管控以及较为固定的定价机制,沿海原油运输行情总体平稳,运价大概率继续持平。 成品油市场:当前中国经济仍在持续恢复中,2022年中国成品油产量仍将保持稳定上升走势。而汽柴油需求增速不尽人意,叠加替代能源占比不断增加的背景,未来成品油市场仍将是供大于求的格局。综合来看,2022—2024年中国成品油市场供需失衡现状仍存,运输需求总体缺乏支撑,预计2022年成品油运价总体水平将继续回落。 (执笔:上海航运交易所信息部 丁雨恬 周杰)
交通运输部发布三份发展规划 多处涉及船海产业近日,交通运输部发布《水运“十四五”发展规划》(简称《水运规划》)、《珠江航运“十四五”发展规划》(简称《珠航规划》)、《长航系统“十四五”发展规划》(简称《长航规划》),三份规划多处涉及船海产业。 《水运规划》提出,优化船舶运力结构。积极推进内河运输船舶标准化,探索区域运输船舶标准船型优选,简化船型标准。推进重点区域客滚船标准化发展,研发长江游轮运输标准船型。支持各地区研究实施保障集装箱运输船舶、使用清洁能源船舶优先过闸等政策。支持航运企业加快船舶运力调整,引导集装箱船、商品汽车滚装船、重大件船等专业化运输船舶发展,完善客船、危险品船运输市场宏观调控政策。 《水运规划》提出,推进船舶装备技术升级。鼓励航运企业加大科研投入,推进智能船舶发展。协调推动大功率LNG发动机和低速大功率柴油机制造、大型邮轮和LNG运输船舶等高技术船舶设计建造等关键核心技术攻关。推进江(河)海直达船型研发和推广应用,鼓励北斗终端设备在船舶和应急装备上的应用。 《水运规划》提出,持续深入推进港口船舶污染防治。持续提升船舶污染防治水平。推进实施船舶排放控制。推进400总吨以下内河船舶设施设备改造,实行船上储存、交岸接收处置。 《水运规划》提出,构建清洁低碳的港口船舶能源体系。促进岸电设施常态化使用。加快既有船舶受电设施改造和码头岸电设施建设,加强岸电使用监管,争取岸电支持政策,推动长江经济带等重点区域实现岸电常态化使用,逐步实现邮轮靠港全部使用岸电,显著提高集装箱、客运、客滚、大型散货等码头和船舶的岸电使用率。鼓励LNG、电动、氢能等新能源和清洁能源船舶研发应用。 《水运规划》提出,提升水路运输专业化水平。围绕集装箱干线港,在长江干线、西江航运干线及水网地区发展直达、快速运输体系,构建完善的集装箱干支运输网络。完善配套物流设施,提升内河集装箱运输竞争力,推进散改集。优化调整运输结构,创新运输组织模式,加快发展商品汽车滚装、液体散货等专业化运输。 《水运规划》提出,提高海运企业服务能力。促进海运企业规模化、集约化、多元化经营,增强抗风险能力和国际竞争力。鼓励海运企业与货主、金融、造船等企业建立风险共担、互利共赢的长期合作关系,鼓励海运企业间开展联盟合作。 《水运规划》提出,深化行业管理改革。强化船舶建造企业及船舶建造阶段的规范管理,加强本质安全环保。 《珠航规划》提出,加强船舶污染防治。落实国家船舶排放控制区政策,控制船舶硫化物、氮氧化物和颗粒物排放。完善珠江水上交通污染事故应急预案,提升油品、化学品运输泄漏监管能力,开展事故应急处置研究。加大LNG动力船舶开发与推广力度,积极推广应用电能、太阳能等清洁能源、新能源,推进船舶受电设施改造,推动靠港船舶优先使用岸电。 《长航规划》提出,改善运力结构。推进长江运输船舶船型优选,研究典型航线发展船型技术方案,加快发展江海直达特定航线船型,推动出台鼓励政策,支持船东选建。 《长航规划》提出,强化船舶污染治理。推动内河营运船舶生活污水、油污水防污染设施设备改造。严格落实船舶大气污染物排放控制要求,鼓励船舶采取减排降噪措施。 《长航规划》提出,促进船舶绿色发展。研究制定长江航运碳排放碳达峰时间表、路线图及配套实施方案,落实船舶绿色发展政策措施,逐步推进长江船舶能耗结构优化。推广应用新能源和清洁能源动力船舶,推动延续新建、改建LNG单燃料动力船舶鼓励政策,积极支持纯电力、燃料电池等动力船舶研发与推广。严格执行船舶强制报废制度,加快淘汰能耗高、污染大、安全系数低的老旧船舶。加快推进长江水系船舶岸电系统船载装置改造,完善岸电使用相关法规政策,利用中央预算内资金支持政策,推动协调相关省市实现重点船舶受电改造全覆盖。
台湾地区“流行疫情指挥中心”2月6日公布新增43例新冠肺炎确诊病例,分别为14例本土个案及29例境外移入;另确诊个案中无新增死亡。 民进党当局行政机构负责人苏贞昌6日上午召开扩大防疫会议,针对内外疫情、疫苗施打情形、医疗资源整备量能、货轮进出及上船人员防疫措施、机组员防疫措施、渔船船员及接触者防疫等六议题进行讨论。 “指挥中心”在会中表示,台湾的社区风险仍大,部分地区群聚感染的社区接触者病例陆续出现,显示社区传播风险为目前主要挑战,而整体疫情在各级单位努力及民间配合积极筛检、疫调及匡列下,皆尚在可控范围。 高雄新增4例本土个案,均为高雄港相关。市长陈其迈表示,新增的4例中,有3例都是隔离期满采检确诊,因此没有社区足迹,值得注意的是案19244的港区引航员,于4日出现症状、5日确诊;初步了解,该案共接触40余艘船只,目前感染源不明,初步调查接触人数职场、亲友共174人。 高雄市卫生局技正潘照颖指出,该名引航员1月下旬已被列为高风险对象,依规定须进行多次采检,但究其筛检历程却仅有一次核酸,且先前港务局、卫生单位5度传短信通知采检,该名引航员都未前往筛检,因此市政府决定“依法”开出6万元(新台币,下同)以上、30万元以下罚金。 卫生局指出,该名引航员Ct值17.4,初步疫调接触人数职场、亲友174人,有社区足迹;据悉,引航员职责在指引货船入港,作业必须登船与船长、大副、舵手接触,由于该案接触货轮众多,目前感染源不明,研判是新个案,后续将根据疫调再行扩大接触人数。 台湾相关部门即日起采取措施—— 为了确保引航员健康、避免形成防疫破口,台湾航港部门也将自即日起,强化各国际商港与工业港的引航员防疫健康管控措施,除高雄港引航员须于2月8日前完成两次PCR,否则不得排班外;2月9日起,各港引航员也需持每周一次PCR及快筛证明方可登船。 此外,引航员进入驾驶舱前,船方也须先完成清消,同时驾驶舱人员也须与引航员保持2米以上距离,若待引领船舶有染疫疑虑,一律改远距离领航,不得登船。台湾航港部门海表示,将于各引航员完成领航作业后,详细比对登船资料与领航纪录,若未经检查即登船,将依法加重裁罚。 “来自:海峡导报”
LOF 1990 LLOYD’S STANDARD FORM OFSALVAGE AGREEMENT NOTES 1. Insert name of person signing on be half of Owners of property to be salved. The Master should sign wherever possible. 2. The Contractor’s name should always be inserted in line 4 and whenever the Agreement is signed by the Master of the Salving vessel or other person on behalf of the Contractor the name of the Master or other person must alsobe inserted in line 4 before the words “for and on behalf of.” The words “for and on behalf of” should be deleted where a Contractor signs personally. 3. Insert place if agreed in clause l(a)(i) and currency if agreed in clause l(e). (APPROVED AND PUBLISHED BY THE COUNCIL OF LLOYD’S)—————————NO CURE – NO PAY—————————On board the …………….………………………………...……Dated …….……………………………….+ See Note 1Above + See Note 2Above + See Note 3Above + See Note 4Above 15.1.08 3.12.24 13.10.2612.4.50 10.6.53 20.12.6723.2.72 21.5.80 5.9.90 IT IS HEREBY AGREED between Captain ………………………………. for and on behalf of the Owners of the “…………………………………….” her cargo freight bunkers stores and any other property thereon (hereinafter collectively called “the Owners”) and ……………………………………for and on behalf of ……………………………………. (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) that: - 1.(a)The Contractor shall use his best endeavours:- (i)to salve the" ....................................................................... "and/or her cargo freight bunkers stores and any other property thereon and take them to ............................................ or to such other place as may hereafter be agreed either place to be deemed a place of safety or if no such place is named or agreed to a place of safety and (ii)while performing the salvage services to prevent or minimize damage to the environment. (b)Subject to clause 2 incorporating Convention Article 14 the services shall be rendered and accepted as salvage services upon the principle of "no cure- no pay." (c)The Contractor's remuneration shall be fixed by Arbitration in London in the manner hereinafter prescribed and any other difference arising out of this Agreement or the operations thereunder shall be referred to Arbitration in the same way. (d)In the event of the services referred to in this Agreement or any part of such services having been already rendered at the date of this Agreement by the Contractor to the said vessel and/or her cargo freight bunkers stores and any other property thereon the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to such services. (e)The security to be provided to the Council of Lloyd's (hereinafter called "the Council") the Salved Value(s) the Award and/or any Interim Award(s) and/or any Award on Appeal shall be in ........................................... currency (f)If clause l(e) is not completed then the security to be provided and the Salved Value(s) the Award and/or Interim Award(s) and/or Award on Appeal shall be in Pounds Sterling. (g)This Agreement and Arbitration thereunder shall except as otherwise expressly provided be govern ed by the law of England, including the English law of salvage. PROVISIONS AS TO THE SERVICES2. Articles 1(a) to (e), 8, 13.1, 13.2 first sentence, 13.3 and 14 of the International Convention on Salvage 1989 ("the Convention Articles") set out hereafter are hereby incorporated into this Agreement. The terms "Contractor" and "services" I "salvage services" in this Agreement shall have the same meanings as the terms "salvor(s)" and "salvage operation (s)" in the Convention Articles. 3. The Owners their Servants and Agents shall co-operate fully with the Contractor in and about the salvage including obtaining entry to the place named or the place of safety as defined in clause 1. The Contractor may make reasonable use of the vessel's machinery gear equipment anchors chains stores and other appurtenances during and for the purpose of the salvage services free of expense but shall not unnecessarily damage abandon or sacrifice the same or any property the subject of this Agreement. PROVISIONS AS TO SECURITY4. (a) The Contractor shall immediately after the termination of the services or sooner notify the Council and where practicable the Owners of the amount for which he demands security (inclusive of costs expenses and interest) from each of the respective Owners. (b) Where the exception to the principle of "no cure - no pay" under Convention Article 14 becomes likely to be applicable the owners of the vessel shall on the demand of the Contractor provide security for the Contractor's special compensation. (c) The amount of any such security shall be reasonable in the light of the knowledge available to the Contractor at the time when the demand is made. Unless otherwise agreed such security shall be provided (i) to the Council (ii) in a form approved by the Council and (iii) by persons firms or corporations either acceptable to the Contractor or resident in the United Kingdom and acceptable to the Council. The Council shall not be responsible for the sufficiency (whether in amount or otherwise) of any security which shall be provided nor for the default or insolvency of any person firm or corporation providing the same. (d) The owners of the vessel their Servants and Agents shall use their best endeavours to ensure that the cargo owners provide their proportion of security before the cargo is released. 5. (a) Until security has been provided as aforesaid the Contractor shall have a maritime lien on the property salved for his remuneration. The property salved shall not without the consent in writing of the Contractor (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) be removed from the place to which it has been taken by the Contractor under clause l(a). (b)The Contractor shall not arrest or detain the property salved unless:- (i)security is not provided within 14 days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or other days observed as general holidays at Lloyd's) after the date of the termination of the services or (ii)he has reason to believe that the removal of the property salved is contemplated contrary to clause 5(a) or (iii)any attempt is made to remove the property salved contrary to clause 5(a).(c) The Arbitrator appointed under clause 6 or the Appeal Arbitrator(s) appointed under clause 11(d) shall have power in their absolute discretion to include in the amount awarded to the Contractor the whole or part of any expenses reasonably incurred by the Contractor in:- (i)ascertaining demanding and obtaining the amount of security reasonably required in accordance with clause 4 (ii)enforcing and/or protecting by insurance or otherwise or taking reasonable steps to enforce and/or protect his lien. PROVISIONS AS TO ARBITRATION6. (a) Where security is provided to the Council in whole or in part the Council shall appoint an Arbitrator in respect of the property covered by such security.(b) Whether security has been provided or not the Council shall appoint an Arbitrator upon receipt of a written request made by letter telex facsimile or in any other permanent form provided that any party requesting such appointment shall if required by the Council undertake to pay the reasonable fees and expenses of the Council and/ or any Arbitrator or Appeal Arbitrator(s).(c) Where an Arbitrator has been appointed and the parties do not proceed to arbitration the Council may recover any fees costs and/or expenses which are outstanding and thereupon terminate the appointment of such Arbitrator. 7. The Contractor's remuneration shall be fixed by the Arbitrator appointed under clause 6. Such remuneration shall not be diminished by reason of the exception to the principle of 'no cure- no pay' under Convention Article 14. REPRESENTATION8. Any party to this Agreement who wishes to be heard or to adduce evidence shall nominate a person in the United Kingdom to represent him failing which the Arbitrator or Appeal Arbitrator(s) may proceed as if such party had renounced his right to be heard or adduce evidence. CONDUCT OFTHE ARBITRATION9.(a) The Arbitrator shall have power to:- (i)admit such oral or documentary evidence or information as he may think fit (ii)conduct the Arbitration in such manner in all respects as he may think fit subject to such proceduralrules as the Council may approve (iii)condemn the Contractor in his absolute discretion in the whole or part of the expense of providingexcessive security and deduct the amount in which the Contractor is so condemned from the salvage remuneration and/or special compensation (iv)make Interim Award(s) on such terms as may be fair and just (v)make such orders as to costs fees and expenses including those of the Council charged under clauses 9(b) and 12(b) as may be fair and just. (b) The Arbitrator and the Council may charge reasonable fees and expenses for their services whether the Arbitration proceeds to a hearing or not and all such fees and expenses shall be treated as part of the costs of the Arbitration. (c) Any Award shall (subject to Appeal as provided in this Agreement) be final and binding on all the parties concerned whether they were represented at the Arbitration or not. INTEREST10. Interest at rates per annum to be fixed by the Arbitrator shall (subject to Appeal as provided in this Agreement)be payable on any sum awarded taking into account any sums already paid:- (i)from the date of termination of the services unless the Arbitrator shall in his absolute discretion otherwise decide until the date of publication by the Council of the Award and/or Interim Award(s) and (ii)from the expiration of 21 days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or other days observed as general holidays at Lloyd's) after the date of publication by the Council of the Award and/or Interim Award(s) until the date payment is received by the Contractor or the Council both dates inclusive. PROVISIONS AS TO APPEAL11. (a) Notice of Appeal if any shall be given to the Council within 14 days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or other days observed as general holidays at Lloyd's) after the date of the publication by the Council of the Award and/or Interim Award(s). (b) Notice of Cross-Appeal if any shall be given to the Council within 14days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or other days observed as general holidays at Lloyd's) after notification by the Council to the parties of any Notice of Appeal. Such notification if sent by post shall be deemed received on the working day following the day of posting. (c) Notice of Appeal or Cross-Appeal shall be given to the Council by letter telex facsimile or in any other permanent form. (d) Upon receipt of Notice of Appeal the Council shall refer the Appeal to the hearing and determination of the Appeal Arbitrator(s) selected by it. (e) If any Notice of Appeal or Cross-Appeal is withdrawn the Appeal hearing shall nevertheless proceed in respect of such Notice of Appeal or Cross-Appeal as may remain. (f) Any Award on Appeal shall be final and binding on all the parties to that Appeal Arbitration whether they were represented either at the Arbitration or at the Appeal Arbitration or not. 12. (a) The Appeal Arbitrator(s) in addition to the powers of the Arbitrator under clauses 9(a) and 10 shall have power to: (i)admit the evidence which was before the Arbitrator together with the Arbitrator's notes and reasons for his Award and/or Interim Award(s) and any transcript of evidence and such additional evidence as he or they may think fit (ii)confirm increase or reduce the sum awarded by the Arbitrator and to make such order as to the payment of interest on such sum as he or they may think fit (iii)confirm revoke or vary any order and/or Declaratory Award made by the Arbitrator. (b) The Appeal Arbitrator(s) and the Council may charge reasonable fees and expenses for their services in connection with the Appeal Arbitration whether it proceeds to a hearing or not and all such fees and expenses shall be treated as part of the costs of the Appeal Arbitration. PROVISIONS AS TO PAYMENT13. (a) In case of Arbitration if no Notice of Appeal be received by the Council in accordance with clause 11(a) the Council shall call upon the party or parties concerned to pay the amount awarded and in the event of non-payment shall subject to the Contractor first providing to the Council a satisfactory Undertaking to pay all the costs thereof realize or enforce the security and pay therefrom to the Contractor (whose receipt shall be a good discharge to it) the amount awarded to him together with interest if any. The Contractor shall reimburse the parties concerned to such extent as the Award is less than any sums paid on account or in respect of Interim Award(s). (b) If Notice of Appeal be received by the Council in accordance with clause 11 it shall as soon as the Award on Appeal has been published by it call upon the party or parties concerned to pay the amount awarded and in the event of non-payment shall subject to the Contractor first providing to the Council a satisfactory Undertaking to pay all the costs thereof realize or enforce the security and pay therefrom to the Contractor (whose receipt shall be a good dis charge to it) the amount awarded to him together with interest if any. The Contractor shall reimburse the parties concerned to such extent as the Award on Appeal is less than any sums paid on account or in respect of the Award or Interim Award(s). (c) If any sum shall become payable to the Contractor as remuneration for his services and/or interest and/or costs as the result of an agreement made between the Contractor and the Owners or any of them the Council in the event of non-payment shall subject to the Contractor first providing to the Council a satisfactory Undertaking to pay all the costs thereof realize or enforce the security and pay therefrom to the Contractor (whose receipt shall be a good discharge to it) the said sum. (d) If the Award and/or Interim Award(s) and/or Award on Appeal provides or provide that the costs of the Arbitration and/or of the Appeal Arbitration or any part of such costs shall be borne by the Contractor such costs may be deducted from the amount awarded or agreed before payment is made to the Contractor unless satisfactory security is provided by the Contractor for the payment of such costs. (e) Without prejudice to the provisions of clause 4(c) the liability of the Council shall be limited in any event to the amount of security provided to it. GENERAL PROVISIONS14. Interest at rates per annum to be fixed by the Arbitrator shall (subject to Appeal as provided in this Agreement)be payable on any sum awarded taking into account any sums already paid:- 15. In considering what sums of money have been expended by the Contractor in rendering the services and/or in fixing the amount of the Award and/or Interim Award(s) and/or Award on Appeal the Arbitrator or Appeal Arbitrator(s) shall to such an extent and in so far as it may be fair and just in all the circumstances give effect to the consequences of any change or changes in the relevant rates of exchange which may have occurred between the date of termination of the services and the date on which the Award and/or Interim Award(s) and/or Award on Appeal is made. 16. Any Award notice authority order or other document signed by the Chairman of Lloyd's or any person authorised by the Council foc the purpose shall be deemed to have been duly made or given by the Council and shall have the same force and effect in all respects as if it had been signed by every member of the Council. 17. The Contractor may claim salvage and enforce any Award or agreement made between the Contractor and the Owners against security provided under clause 4 if any in the name and on behalf of any Sub-Contractors Servants or Agents including Masters and members of the crews of vessels employed by him or by any Sub-Contractors in the services provided that he first provides a reasonably satisfactory indemnity to the Owners against all claims by or liabilities to the said persons. 18. When there is no longer any reasonable prospect of a useful result leading to a salvage reward in accordance with Convention Article 13 the owners of the vessel shall be entitled to terminate the services of the Contractor by giving notice to the Contractor in writing. 19. No person signing this Agreement or any party on whose behalf it is signed shall at any time or in any manner whatsoever offer provide make give or promise to provide demand or take any form of inducement for entering into this Agreement. THE CONVENTION ARTICLES Article 1 Definitions (a) Salvage operation means any act or activity undertaken to assist a vessel or any other property in danger in navigable waters or in any other waters whatsoever(b) Vessel means any ship or craft, or any structure capable of navigation(c) Property means any property not permanently and intentionally attached to the shoreline and includes freight at risk(d) Damage to the environment means substantial physical damage to human health or to marine life or resources in coastal or inland waters or areas adjacent thereto, caused by pollution, contamination, fire, explosion or similar major incidents(e) Payment means any reward, remuneration or compensation due under this Convention Article 8 Duties of the Salvor and of the Owner and Master 1. The salvor shall owe a duty to the owner of the vessel or other property in danger: (a) to carry out the salvage operations with due care;(b) in performing the duty specified in subparagraph (a), to exercise due care to prevent or minimize damage to the environment;(c) whenever circumstances reasonably require, to seek assistance from other salvors; and(d) to accept the intervention of other salvors when reasonably requested to do so by the owner or master of thevessel or other property in danger; provided however that the amount of his reward shall not be prejudiced should it be found that such a request was unreasonable 2. The owner and master of the vessel or the owner of other property in danger shall owe a duty to the salvor:(a) to co-operate fully with him during the course of the salvage operations;(b) in so doing, to exercise due care to prevent or minimize damage to the environment; and(c) when the vessel or other property has been brought to a place of safety, to accept redelivery when reasonably requested by the salvor to do so Article 13 Criteria for fixing the reward 1. The reward shall be fixed with a view to encouraging salvage operations, taking into account the following criteria without regard to the order in which they are presented below: (a)he salved value of the vessel and other property; (b)the skill and efforts of the salvors in preventing or minimizing damage to the environment; (c)the measure of success obtained by the salvor; (d)the nature and degree of the danger; (e)the skill and efforts of the salvors in salving the vessel, other property and life; (f)the time used and expenses and losses incurred by the salvors; (g)the risk of liability and other risks run by the salvors or their equipment; (h)the promptness of the services rendered; (i)the availability and use of vessels or other equipment intended for salvage operations; (j)the state of readiness and efficiency of the salvor's equipment and the value thereof 2. Payment of a reward fixed according to paragraph 1shall be made by all of the vessel and other property interests in proportion to their respective salved values 3. The rewards, exclusive of any interest and recoverable legal costs that may be payable thereon, shall not exceed the salved value of the vessel and other property Article 14 Special Compensation 1. If the salvor has carried out salvage operations in respect of a vessel which by itself or its cargo threatened damage to the environment and has failed to earn a reward under Article 13 at least equivalent to the special compensation assessable in accordance with this Article, he shall be entitled to special compensation from the owner of that vessel equivalent to his expenses as herein defined 2. If in the circumstances set out in paragraph 1, the salvor by his salvage operations has prevented or minimized damage to the environment, the special compensation payable by the owner to the salvor under paragraph 1may be increased up to a maximum of 30% of the expenses incurred by the salvor. However, the Tribunal, if it deems it fair and just to do so and bearing in mind the relevant criteria set out in Article 13, paragraph 1, may increase such special compensation further, but in no event shall the total increase be more than 100% of the expenses incurred by the salvor 3. Salvor's expenses for the purpose of paragraphs 1 and 2 means the out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred by the salvor in the salvage operation and a fair rate for equipment and personnel actually and reasonably used in the salvage operation, taking into consideration the criteria set out in Article 13, paragraph 1(h), (i) and (j) 4. The total special compensation under this Article shall be paid only if and to the extent that such compensation is greater than any reward recoverable by the salvor under Article 13 5. If the salvor has been negligent and has thereby failed to prevent or minimize damage to the environment, he maybe deprived of the whole or part of any special compensation due under this Article 6. Nothing in this Article shall affect any right of recourse on the part of the owner of the vessel For and on behalf of the Contractor ……………………………………………………………….(To be signed either by the Contractor personally or by the Master of the salving vessel or other person whose name is inserted in line4 of this Agreement.)For and on behalf of the Owners of property tobe salved. ……………………………………………………………….(To be signed by the Master or other person whose name is inserted in line 1 of this Agreement.)
勞依茲海難救助契約標準格式 — 1980年版(業經勞依茲委員會批準發行)不成功 無報酬LLOYD'S OPEN FORMStandard Form of Salvage Agreement(Approved and Published by The Committee of Lloyd’sNO CURE - NO PAY台灣 黃裕凱博士編譯 海難救助—1980年勞依茲救助契約On board the ___________________ Dated 19____________ 訂於____________船上 19___年_____月______日IT IS HEREBY AGREED between Captain ________________for and on behalf of the Owners of the"_____________ " her cargo freight bunkers and stores and __________for and on behalf of ________________(hereinafter called "the Contractor"):-本船長__________ 代表__________翰之船舶所有人、貨物、運費、燃油及物料與___________________代表_________(以下稱為“締約救助人”)謹協議如下:1.(a) The Contractor agrees to use his best endeavours to salve the and/or her cargo bunkers and stores and take them to or other place to be hereafter agreed or if no place is named or agreed to a place of safety. The Contractor further agrees to use his best endeavours to prevent the escape of oil from the vessel while performing the services of salving the subject vessel and/or her cargo bunkers and stores The services shall be rendered and acceded as salvage services upon the principle of "no cure-no pay" except that where the property being salved is the tanker laden or partly laden with a cargo of oil and without negligence on the part of the Contractor and/or his Servants and/or Agents(l) the services are not successful or (2) are only partially successful or (3) the Contractor is prevented from completing the services the Contractor shall nevertheless be awarded solely against the Owners of such tanker his reasonably incurred expenses and an increment not exceeding 15 per cent of such expenses but only if and to the extent that such expenses together with the increment are greeter than any amount otherwise recoverable under this Agreement. Within the meaning of the said exception to the principle of "no cure- no pay" expenses shall in addition to actual out 01 pocket expenses include a fair rate for all tugs craft personnel and other equipment used by the Contractor in the services and oil shall mean crude oil fuel oil heavy diesel oil and lubricating oil1.(a) 締約救助人應飛其最大努力救助___________輪及/或其貨物、運費、燃油及物料,將其送往_________或稍後協議無論是否視為安全處所之地點,或如無列名或協議地點時,則是為安全處所之地點。締約救助人並同意於救助本契約船舶及或其上貨載、物料時,會盡其最大努力防止油料外洩。應本“不成功-無報酬”之救助服務原則提供並接受本服務,然被救助之財產為載油油輪或部分載運貨油,且締約救助人及其受雇人及/或代理人對下列事項無過失之情況下:(1)救助服務並未成功,或(2)僅部分成功,或(3)締約救助人受陰無法完成救助服務,則就締約救助人無論如果均可單鉵向該油輪之有人請求其合理發生之費用及不超過該費用百分之十五之增額,惟該費用及增額僅限於高於可依本求回復之數上之數額。於前述「不成功 無報酬」原則之例外規定中,應另外加上締約救助於救助工作之實支費用,包括其所使用之所有拖船、艇具、人員及其他機具之合理費率。而油應指原油、烯油、重柴油及潤滑油。(b) The Contractor remuneration shill be fixed by arbitration in London in the manner herein prescribed and any other difference arising out of this Agreement or the operations thereunder shall be referred to arbitration in the same way. In the event of the services referred to in the Agreement or any part of such service having been already rendered at the date of the Agreement by the Contractor to the said vessel and/or her cargo bunkers and stores the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to such services(b)締約救助人之報酬應以下述所規定之方式,經由倫敦仲裁確定之,本契約或相關作業所生之任何其他爭議,應以相同方法提交仲裁。於本契約簽訂日期之前,締約救助人已經對前述船舶及其貨物、運費、燃油、物料及其上任何其他財產提供本契約所述及之服務或該服務任何總價時,本契約規定仍應適用之。(c) It is hereby further agreed that the security to be provided to the Committee at Lloyd's the Salved Values the Award and/or Interim Award and/or Award on Appeals the Arbitrator and/or Arbitrators on Appeal shall be in __________currency. If this Clause is not completed then the security to be provided and the Salved Values the Award and/or Interim Award and/or Award on Appeal of the Arbitrator and/or Arbitrator(s) on Appeal shall be in Pounds Sterling.(c)僅此另再同意擔保金應提供給勞依茲稂員會,獲救價值、仲裁人及或上訴仲裁人所決定之裁定額、及/或任何中間裁定額、及/或上訴仲裁之任何裁定額均應以________貨幣表示之。好好吃本項未訂明,則是應提供之擔保金,獲救價值、仲裁人及或上訴仲裁人所決定之裁定額、及/或任何中間裁定額、及或上訴仲裁之任何裁定額應以英鎊表示之。(d)This Agreement shall be governed by and arbitration thereunder shall be in accordance with English law.(d)本契約及下列所規定之仲裁應受英國法規範。 2. The Owners their Servants and Agents shall co-operate fullywith the Contractor in and about the salvage including obtaining entry to the place named in Clause 1 of this Agreement or such other place as may be agreed or if applicable the place of safety to which the salved property is taken. The Owners shall promptly accept redelivery of the salved property at such place. The Contractor may make reasonable use of the vessels machinery gear equipment anchors chains stores and other appurtenances during and for the purpose of the operations free of expense but shall not unnecessarily damage abandon or sacrifice the same or any property the subject of this Agreement. 2.所有權人、其受雇人及代理人對於及對有關之救助,包括為進入本契約第1條所列名地點或或其他經協議或應適用之安全地點,應與締約救助人充份合作。所有人於該地點應立即受領獲救財產。締約救助人得於救助服務期間及為救助目的,合理且無償地使用船舶之機器、索具、設備、錨、錨鏈、物料及其他屬具,但不能對這些物品或本契約標的之其他財產有不必要的毀損、投棄或犧牲。 3. The Master or other person signing this Agreement on behalf of the property to be salved is not authorised to make or give and the Contractor shall not demand or take any payment draft or order as inducement to or remuneration for entering into this Agreement. 3.代表被獲救財產簽署簽契約之船長或其他人無權提出或給與,且締約救助人亦不應要求或接受任何付款、票據或票券,以促成本契約之簽訂或作為本契約之報酬。PROVISIONS AS TO SECURITY擔保條款4. The Contractor shall immediately after the termination of the services or sooner in appropriate cases notify the Committee of Lloyd's and where practicable the Owners of the amount for which he requires security (inclusive of costs expenses and interest). Unless otherwise agreed by the parties such security shall be given to the Committee of Lloyd's and security so given shall be in a form approved by the Committee and shall be given by persons firms or corporations resident in the United Kingdom either satisfactory to the Committee of Lloyd's or agreed by the Contractor. The Committee of Lloyd's shall not be responsible for the sufficiency (whether in amount or otherwise) of any security which shall be given nor for the default or insolvency of any person firm or corporation giving the same.4.於服務終止後,締約救助人應將其所需每一所有權人救助擔保之數額(包括成本、費用及利息)立即或儘速通知委員會及所有權人。除另有協議外,該擔保應提供給勞依茲委員會,以委員會所同意之格式及由委員會或締約救助人可設籍於英國而為委員會所接受之人、商號或公司提供之。該任何人、商號或公司之疏失或破產而就其本應提供之任何擔保之不足額(無論是否為數量上或其他),委員會無須負責。 5. Pending the completion of the security as aforesaid the Contractor shall have a maritime lien on the property salved for his remuneration. Where the aforementioned exception to the principle of "no cure - no pay" becomes likely to be applicable the Owners of the vessel shall on demand of the Contractor provide security for the Contractor's remuneration under the aforementioned exception in accordance with Clause 4 hereof. The salved property shall not without the consent in writing of the Contractor be removed from the place (within the terms of Clause 1) to which the property is taken by the Contractor on the completion of the salvage services until security has been given as aforesaid. The Owners of the vessel their Servants and Agents shall use their best endeavours to ensure that the Cargo Owners provide security in accordance with the provisions of Clause 4 of this Agreement before the cargo is released. The Contractor agrees not to arrest or detain the property salved unless (a) the security be not given within 14 days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or other days observed as general holidays at Lloyd's) after the date of the termination of the services(the Committee of Lloyd's not being responsible for the failure of the parties concerned to provide the required security within the said 14 days) or (b) the Contractor has reason to believe that the removal of the property is contemplated contrary to the above agreement. In the event of security not being provided or in the event of (1) any attempt being made to remove the property salved contrary to this agreement or (2) the Contractor having reasonable grounds to suppose that such an attempt will be made the Contractor may take steps to enforce his aforesaid lien. The Arbitrator appointed under Clause 6 or the person(s) appointed under Clause 13 hereof shall have power in their absolute discretion to include in the amount awarded to the Contractor the whole or such part of the expense incurred by the Contractor in enforcing or protecting by insurance or otherwise or in taking reasonable steps to enforce or protect his lien as they shall think fit. 5.於擔保依前柱塞成提供前之期間,締約救助人就其報酬,對於獲救之財產享有海事優先權。如可能適脾前述「不成功 無效果」例外規定時,船舶所有人應依據締約救助人之要求,依本契約第4條之例外規定針對締約救助人報酬為擔保之提供。於依前述規定提供擔保前,未經締約救助人之書面同意,獲救之財產不應從締約求助人送達之地點移往其他地點(依第1條)。船舶所有人、其受雇人及代理人應盡最大努力,使貨物所有人於貨物放行前能依據本契約第4條規定提供擔保。締約救助不得假損耗押或留置獲救財產,除非(a)擔保未於服務終止日後14天內(不包括周六、周日或其他勞依茲其他例假日)擔出(勞依茲委員會對有關當事人於前述14天內未提供所要求擔保者,不負責任),或(b)締約救助人有理由相信,移動財產勢將違反本契約規定。於未提供擔保或於下列情況下:(1)企圖移動獲救財產因而違反本契約或(2)締約求助人合理理由認為該移動財產之企圖,即可采取執行優先權之手段。第6條所指定之仲裁人或第13條所指定之上訴仲裁人具絕對之裁量權力,對締約救助人為行使其優先權或經由保險或其他方式或采取強製實行及或防護之全部或一部,內含在締約救助人之報酬金額之內。PROVISIONS AS TO ARBITRATION仲裁條款6.(a) Where security within the provisions of this Agreement is given to the Committee of Lloyd's in whole or in part the said Committee shall appoint an Arbitrator in respect of the interests covered by such security6.(a) 如本契約所規定之擔保已經全部或一部提供給勞依茲委員會,該 委員會即應就該擔保所涵蓋之利益為仲裁人之指派。(b)Whether security has been given or not the Committee of Lloyd's shall appoint an Arbitrator upon receipt of a written or telex or telegraphic notice of a claim for arbitration from any of the parties entitled or authorized to make such a claim(b)無論擔保是否已經提供,勞依茲委員會接獲有權或經授權提出求償之任何當事人申請仲裁之書信、電報、電傳通知後,即應指派一仲裁人。 7. Where an Arbitrator has been appointed by the Committee of Lloyd's and the parties do not wish to proceed to arbitration the parties shall jointly notify the said Committee in writing or by telex or by telegram and the said Committee may thereupon terminate the appointment of such Arbitrator as they may have appointed in accordance with Clause 6 of this Agreement. 7.勞依茲委員會已為仲裁人之指定,而當事人卻無意續行仲裁者,所有當事人應共同以書面,或以電傳或電報方式通知該委員會,該委員會得因此終止依本契約第6條仲裁人之指派。 8. Any of the following parties may make a claim for arbitration viz.: - (1) The Owners of the ship. (2) The Owners of the cargo or any part thereof. (3) The Owners of any freight separately at risk or any part thereof. (4) The Contractor. (5) The Owners of the bunkers and/or stores. (6) Any other person who is a party to this Agreement. 8.下列任一當事人均可請由交付仲裁:(1)船舶所有人(2)貨物或其任何部分之所有人(3)個別承擔風險之運其任何部分之所有人(4)締約救助人(5)烯油及或物料之所有人(6)身為本協議當事人之一之任何其他人。 9. If the parties to any such Arbitration or any of them desire to be heard or to adduce evidence at the Arbitration they shall give notice to that effect to the Committee of Lloyd's and shall respectively nominate a person in the United Kingdom to represent them for all the purposes of the Arbitration and failing such notice and nomination being given the Arbitrator or Arbitrates on Appeal may proceed as if the parties failing to give the same had renounced their right to be heard or adduce evidence. 9.任何該仲裁之當事人或其中一方希望於仲裁庭中聽審或擔出證據者,應當通知勞依茲委員會並於各自委任一居住於英國之人於仲裁庭中代表該人,未為是項通知及委任,仲裁人或上訴仲裁人即應以該當事人已放棄聽審或提出證據之權利進行其程序。 10. The remuneration for the services within the meaning of this Agreement shall be fixed by an Arbitrator to be appointed by the Committee of Lloyd's and he shall have power to make an Interim Award ordering such payment on account as may seem fair and just and on such terms as may be fair and just. 10.本契約之義之服務報酬應由勞依茲委員會所指派之仲裁決定之,且該仲裁人有權做出中間裁決,以公平合理條件為公平合理之預付款項。CONDUCT OF THE ARBITRATION仲裁作為11. The Arbitrator shall have power to obtain call for receive and act upon any such oral or documentary evidence or information (whether the same be strictly admissible as evidence or not) as he may think fit and to conduct the Arbitration in such manner in all respects as he may think fit and shall if in his opinion the amount of the security demanded is excessive have power in his absolute discretion to condemn the Contractor in the whole or part of the expense of providing such security and to deduct the amount in which the Contractor is so condemned from the salvage remuneration. Unless the Arbitrator shall otherwise direct the parties shall be at liberty to adduce expert evidence at the Arbitration. Any Award of the Arbitrator shall (subject to appeal as provided in this Agreement) be final and binding on all the parties concerned. The Arbitrator and the Committee of Lloyd's may charge reasonable fees and expenses for their services in connection with the Arbitration whether it proceeds to a hearing or not and all such fees and expenses shall be treated as part of the costs of the Arbitration. Save as aforesaid the statutory provisions as to Arbitration for the time being in force in England shall apply.11.仲裁人有權取得、索取、收受並采用其認為適當之口頭或書面之證據或資料(不論該證據或資料可否嚴格地被認定為證據),並以,其認為適當之方式,對任何事項為仲裁進行。且如以其意見認為要求提供之擔保金額過於龐大時,在權決定將白日做夢該擔保之全部或一部之費用,要求締約救助人負擔並自救助報酬中予以扣減。除仲裁人另有特別指示,當事人得於仲裁中自由提供專家證據。任何裁定(受限於本契約之上訴規定)應予終結並拘束所有相關當事人。無論仲裁審理與否,仲裁人及勞依茲委員會就其服務,得要求合理之酬金及費用,且該所有的酬金及費用應視為仲裁成本之一部分。除前述條款外,應適用英國現行有效之仲裁相關法規。 12. Interest at a rate per annum to be fixed by the Arbitrator from the expiration of 21 days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or other days observed as general holidays at Lloyd's) after the date of publication of the Award and/or Interim Award by the Committee of Lloyd's until the date payment is received by the Committee of Lloyd's both dates inclusive shall (subject to appeal as provided in this Agreement) be payable upon any sum awarded after deduction of any sums paid on account. 12.有關裁定金額扣減預付款後之差額,應自勞依茲委員會發布該裁定及或中間裁定之日起第21天(不包括周六及周日或勞依茲其他例假日)屆滿起,至勞依茲委員會收到金額之日止(首尾日計入),依仲裁人所決定之年利率加付利息(應適用本契約所規定之上訴規定)。PROVISIONS AS TO APPEAL上訴條款13. Any of the persons named under Clause 8 may appeal from the Award but not without leave of the Arbitrator(s) on Appeal from an Interim Award made pursuant to the provisions of Clause 10 hereof by giving written or telegraphic or telex Notice of Appeal to the Committee of Lloyd's within 14 days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or other days observed as general holidays at Lloyd's) after the date of the publication by the Committee of Lloyd's of the Award and may (without prejudice to their right of appeal under the first part of this Clause) within 14 days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or other days observed as general holidays at Lloyd's) after receipt by them from the Commit tee of Lloyd's of notice of such appeal (such notice if sent by post to be deemed to be received on the day following that on which the said notice was posted) give written or telegraphic or telex Notice of Cross-Appeal to the Committee of Lloyd's. As soon as practicable alter receipt of such notice or notices the Committee of Lloyd's shall refer the Appeal to the hearing and determination of a person or persons selected by it In the event of an Appellant or Cross-Appellant withdrawing his Notice of Appeal or Cross-Appeal the hearing shall nevertheless proceed in respect of such Notice of Appeal or Cross-Appeal as may remain. Any Award on Appeal shall be anal and binding on all the parties concemed whether such parties were representedor not at either the Arbitration or at the Arbitration on Appeal.13.第8條所列名之任何人,得於勞依茲委員會發布仲裁判斷之日後14日內(不包括周六、周日或其他勞依茲例假日),以書面,電報或電傳向勞依茲委員會為上訴之通知,針對仲裁判斷提出上訴,但非經上訴仲裁人允許,不得針對本契約第10條規定所做出之中間裁定提起上訴。其另可(於不損及其依所本條前述規定提起上訴之權利)於收到勞依茲委員有關上訴通知(交付郵局寄送之通知,以寄送日之次日視為收到日)後14日內(不包括周六、周日或其他勞依茲例假日),以書面、電報或電傳向勞依茲妝員會為交互上訴之通知。勞依茲委員於收到交互上訴通知後,應儘速地將該上訴交給委員會所指派之一或多仲裁人審理並做出裁決。如任何上訴或交互上訴被撤回,有關該上訴或交互上訴通知之上訴審理仍應維持般地繼續進行。任何上訴之裁定應予終結並拘束所有上訴仲裁之相關當事人,而無論其是否派有代表出席仲裁或上訴仲裁。CONDUCT OF THE APPEAL上訴仲裁作為14. No evidence other than the documents put in on the Arbitration and the Arbitrator's notes of the proceedings and oral evidence if any at the Arbitration and the Arbitrator's Reasons for his Award and Interim Award if any and the transcript if any of any evidence given at the Arbitration shall be used on used on the Appeal unless the Arbitrates on the Appeal shall in his or their discretion call for or allow other evidence. The Arbitrator(s) on Appeal may conduct the Arbitration on Appeal in such manner in all respects as he or they may think fit and may act upon any such evidence or information (whether the same be strictly admissible as evidence or not) as he or they may think ht and may maintain increase or reduce the sum awarded by the Arbitrator with the like power as is conferred by Clause 11 on the Arbitrator to condemn the Contractor in the whole or part of the expense of providing security and to deduct the amount disallowed from the salvage remuneration. And he or they shall also make such order as he or they shall think ht as to the payment of interest on the sum awarded to the Contractor.The Arbitrator(s) on the Appeal may direct in what manner the costs of the Arbitration and of the Arbitration on Appeal shall be borne and paid and he or they and the Committee of Lloyd's may charge reasonable fees and expenses for their services inconnection with the Arbitration on Appeal whether it proceeds to a hearing or not and all such fees and expenses shall be treated as part of the costs of the Arbitration on Appeal. Save as aforesaid the statutory provisions as to Arbitration for the time being in force in England shall apply.14.除於仲裁中所提出之文件,及仲裁人於程序進行中紀錄及仲裁中之口頭證詞(如有),仲裁人於其仲裁判斷及中間裁定(如有)之理由,及仲裁中所提交之任何證據之副本(如有)外,其他證據抱歉不得使用於上訴仲裁中,除非上訴仲裁人以其意見要求或準許該其他證據。上訴仲裁人在任何方面得以其認為適當之方式為上訴仲裁之進行。其可接受其認為適當之任何證據或資料(不論該證據或資料可否嚴格地被認定為證據),且可維持或增減仲裁人所裁定之金額,並具有第11條所賦予仲裁人之同樣權力,將所提供擔保額之全部或一部費用,命締約救助人承擔,並從救助報酬中予以扣減。上訴仲裁人亦得針對應支付給締約救助裁定金額之利息,為其認為適當之裁定。上訴仲裁人亦可裁定仲裁及上訴仲裁之費用負擔及支付之方式,且無論上訴仲裁是否開庭審理,上訴仲裁人及勞依茲委員就其上訴服務,得要求合理之酬金及費用,且該所有費用應視為仲裁成本之一部分。除前述條款外,應適用英國兩千有效之仲裁相關法規。PROVISIONS AS TO PAYMENT支付條款1.(a) In case of Arbitration if no Notice of Appeal be received by the Committee of Lloyd's within 14 days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or other days observed as general holidays at Lloyd's) after the date of the publication by the Committee of the Award and/or Interim Award the Committee shall call upon the party or parties concerned to pay the amount awarded and in the event of non-payment shall realize or enforce the security and pay therefrom to the Contractor (whose receipt shall be a good discharge to it) the amount awarded to him together with interest as hereinbefore provided but the Contractor shall reimburse the parties concerned to such extent as the final Award is less than the Interim Award.1.(a) 於仲裁情況下,如勞依茲委員會未於其公布裁定或中間裁定之日後14天內(不包括周六及周日或其他勞依茲例假日)收到上訴通知者,即可要求一方或多方之支付裁定之數額。如未支付,則是依締約救助人先前提供給委員會之足額保證支付該項已知之所有成本或強製實行訁擔保並將裁定之數額及其利息(如有)支付給締約救助人(其收取得適當免除其責任者)。締約救助人就裁定少於已暫付之任何數額或有關中間裁定額之範圍,應補償相關利害關係人。(b)If Notice of Appeal be received by the Committee of Lloyd's in accordance with the provisions of Clause 13 hereof it shall as soon as but not until the Award on Appeal has been published by it call upon the party or parties concerned to pay the amount awarded and in the event of non-payment shall realize or enforce the security and pay therefrom to the Contractor (whose receipt shall be a good discharge to it) the amount awarded to him together with interest if any in such manner as shall comply with the provisions of the Award on Appeal.(b)如勞依茲委員會接獲依第13條規定之上訴通知,於上訴仲裁裁定發布後應儘速要求或數當事人支付裁定之數額,如未支付,則是依締約救助人先前提供給委員會之足額保證支付該項已知之所有成本或強製實行該擔保並將裁定之數額及其利息(如有)支付給締約救助人(其收取得適當免除其責任者)。(c)If the Award and/or Interim Award and/or Award on Appeal provides or provide that the costs of the Arbitration and/or of the Arbitration on Appeal or any part of such costs shall be borne by the Contractor such costs may be deducted from the amount awarded before payment is made to the Contractor by the Committee of Lloyd's unless satisfactory security is provided by the Contractor for the payment of such costs.(c)如裁定及或中間裁定及或上訴裁定規定仲裁及或上訴仲裁之費用或該費用之任何部分應由締約救助人負擔時,除非締約救助人就該費用之支付提出足額擔保,否則該費用應於該款項支付給締約救助人前,從裁定或協議之數額中扣除。(d)If any sum shall become payable to the Contractor as remuneration for his services and/or interest and/or costs as the result of an agreement made between the Contractor and the parties interested in the property salved or any of them the Committee of Lloyd's in the event of non-payment shall realize or enforce the security and pay therefrom to the Contractor (whose receipt shall be a good discharge to it) the amount agreed upon between the parties.(d)對締約救助人服務之報酬及或利息及或費用,因締約救助人及所有權人或其間任何人所作之協議而應支付締約救助人任何數額時,如未支付,勞依茲委員會即會實現或強製執行該擔保並將裁定之數額及其利息(如有)支付給締約救助人(其收取得適當免除其責任者。(e)Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 4 hereof the liability of the Committee of Lloyd's shall be limited in any event to the amount of security held by it.(e)不損及第4條之規定,勞依茲委員會之責任,於任何情況下,應受限於提供給委員會之擔保數額。GENERAL PROVISIONS一般規定16. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained should the operations be only partially successful without any negligence or want of ordinary skill and care on the part of the Contractor his Servants or Agents and any portion of the vessel her appurtenances bunkers stores and cargo be salved by the Contractor he shall be entitled to reasonable remuneration and such reasonable remuneration shall be axed in case of difference by Arbitration in manner hereinbefore prescribed. 16.不論前述規定為何,如締約救助人、其受雇人或代理人並無過失或無欠缺通常技術及註意,救助服務僅獲得部分成功,且締約救助人救起船舶、船上設備、燃油、物料或者船上貨物之任何部分,締約救助人有權得到合理報酬,如有爭議,該合理報酬應依照前述仲裁方式決定之。 l7. The Master or other person signing this Agreement on behalf of the property to be salved enters into this Agreement as Agent for the vessel her cargo freight bunkers and stores and the respective owners thereof and binds each (but not the one for the other or himself personally) to the due performance thereof. 17.代表被獲救財產議定本契約並簽署本契約之船長期或其他人視為船舶、其貨物、運費、烯油、物料及其上其他財產及其各自所有權人之代表人,並拘束每一人(非一人為他人或身身)而適當執行其職責。 18. In considering what sums of money have been expended by the Contractor in rendering the services and/or in fixing the amount of the Award and/or Interim Award and/or Award on Appeal the Arbitrator or Arbitrator(s) on Appeal shall to such an extent and in so far as it may be fair and just in all the circumstances give effect to the consequences of any change or changes in the value of money or rates of exchange which may have occurred between the completion of the services and the date on which the Award and/or Interim Award and/or Award on Appeal is made. 18.於考量締約救助人提供服務所耗費之金錢數額,及或裁定及或中間裁定及或上訴裁定之數額時,仲裁人或上訴仲裁人應就所有情況均為公平合理之程度及範圍內,對服務終止日與作出裁定及或中間裁定及或上訴裁定之日間可能發生之有關多錢價值或兌換匯率之任何變動或數變動之影響進行調整。 19. Any Award notice authority order or other document signed by the Chairman of Lloyd's or any person authorised by the Committee of Lloyd's for the purpose shall be deemed to have been duly made or given by the Committee of Lloyd's and shall have the same force and effect in all respects as if it had been signed by every member of the Committee of Lloyd's. 19.任何裁定、通知、授權、要求或勞依茲主席或任何經委員會授權之人為此目的所簽署之其他文件,均應視為委員會已經為適當製作或提出,且在任何方面具有如經委員會任一委員簽署般之同樣強製力及效力。 20. The Contractor may claim salvage and enforce any Award or agreement made between the Contractor and the parties interested in the property salved against security provided under this Agreement if any in the name and on behalf of any Sub-Contractors Servants or Agents including Masters and members of the Crews of vessels employed by him in the services rendered hereunder provided that he first indemnities and holds harmless the Owners of the property salved against all claims by or liabilities incurred to the said persons. Any such indemnity shall be provided in a form satisfactory to such Owners 20.締約救助人得代表任何次締約救助人、其或他們的受雇人或代理人,包括其或任何次締約救助人就此服務所雇用之船長及船舶之船員,依任何裁定或締約救助人與獲救財產利害關係人間之協議所提供之擔保為強製執行,然就獲救財產所有權對於訁人等所生之所有求償及責任,締約救助人應先予以補償並使之不受損害。該補償應以氖權人滿意之方式提供之。 2l. The Contractor shall be entitled to limit any liability to the Owners of the subject vessel and/or her cargo bunkers and stores which he and/or his Servants and/or Agents may incur in and about the services in the manner and to the extent provided by English law and as if the provisions of the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976 were part of the law of England. 21.締約救助人、及/或其受雇人、及或代理人因救助服務而須對被施救之船舶及/或船上貨物、燃油及物料之所有權人負責時,其可依照作為英國法律一部分之1976年海事求償責任限製公約所規定之方式及額度主張責任限製。 For and on behalf ofthe Contractor (To be signed either by the Contractor personally or by the Master of the salving vessel or other person whose name is inserted in line 3 ofthis Agreement) 代表締約救助人 (應由締約人本人或施救船舶之船列名於本契約第三行之其他人簽署之。) For and on behalf of the Owners of property to be salved. (To be signed by the Master or other person whose name is inserted in line 1 of this Agreement.) 代表獲求財產之所有權人 (應由締約人第一行所列名之船長或其他人簽署之) 台灣 黃裕凱博士編譯 海難救助—1980年勞依茲救助契約
NOTE OF SEA PROTESTDATE:SEPT 21, 2020PORT: LAHAD DATU TO: AGENTCC: PARTIES CONCERNEDNAME OF SHIP: XXXX PORT OF REGISTRY: GRT: NRT:CARGO: DEAR SIRS, I, THE MASTER OF BELIZE SHIP M/V XXXX, HEREBY REPORT TO YOU THAT :Our vessel sailed from the port of XXX at 1636Lt on XXth –Sept - 2020 (0836GMT on 07th -MAY- 2020), bound for the port of XXXX,Malaysia and plan to the port of destination as XXXX.During the voyage, our ship encountered the condition as follow: On xxth to xxth ,Sept 2020 , in this period our ship sailing in the XXX waters area, and encounter with heavy bad weather area, the sustained wind force 6-11 on Beaufort scale with sea wave about X m , and also with the heavy swell in the time. Ship rolled and pitched very rough. Heavy sea water washed forecastle deck, No.X to No.X hatch covers, port and starboard side decks.During this period, our ship although adopted all methods of safeguarding the ship and cargo, such as adjust the ship’s speed, sailed a zigzag course or against the winds, etc. but our ship’s maneuvering was still difficult and heavy sea water still washed on forecastle deck, hatch covers, port and starboard side decks. In view of above condition, the cargo damaged by the bad weather, our ship’s hull and other equipments on our ship may be damaged by the bad weather. So I note my protest against all losses, damages etc, reserving the right to claim such losses and damages from the parties concerned and to extend the same whenever and wherever necessary.Witness on board: Chief officer: Third officer: Master of M/V XXXXX : Enclosures:Abstracts of deck log book and weather report by XXX – APPLIED WEATHER TECHNOLOGY
劳务合同下,劳动者工伤(含职业病)所获赔偿的项目及标准: (依据:2009年(2010年施行)《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》、2003年(2004年施行)《最高院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》)赔偿义务人:侵权责任人 序号赔偿项目计算基数赔偿比例或条件赔偿期限及赔偿限额备注依据1医疗费实际发生全额含医疗费、必要的康复费和适当的整容费。一审法庭辩论前发生的实际数额及医疗证明必然发生的费用。后续费用可以另行起诉。 侵权法第16条司法解释第17条19条 2护理费护理人员本来有收入的:实际减少的收入;护理人员没有收入或职业护理人员:参照当地护工从事同等级别护理劳务报酬标准原则上护理人员为1人,除非医疗或鉴定机构有明确的护理人数的意见。伤者恢复生活自理能力为止;最长不超过20年 侵权法第16条司法解释第17条21条3误工减少的收入有固定收入:实际减少的收入;无固定收入:最近三年的平均收入无固定收入:法院地同近行业上一年度职工平均工资。实际误工时间计算至伤者定残日前一天 侵权法第16条司法解释第17条20条序号赔偿项目计算基数赔偿比例或条件赔偿期限及赔偿限额备注依据4交通费实际发生就医或转院;正式票据为凭证,且须与就医地点、时间、次数、人数相符。 侵权法仅规定:交通费等为治疗和康复支出的合理费用司法解释进行了细化。侵权法第16条司法解释第17条22条5住宿费不明确,但根据司法解释本条上一款的规定,似乎可以参照当地国家机关一般工作人员的出差标准确有必要外地治疗且客观原因不能住院的。包括受害人本人和陪护人员。 侵权法第16条司法解释第17条23条6住院伙食补助费参照当地国家机关一般工作人员的出差伙食补助 7必要的营养费参照医疗机构的意见确定 侵权法第16条司法解释第17条24条8残疾赔偿金法院地上一年度城镇居民人均可支配收入或农村居民人均纯收入为标准司法解释仅说“根据受害人丧失劳动能力程度或伤残等级”,但没有具体规定比例。因此,各法院自行确定比例,通常采用的比例是:1级100%,2级90%,,,10级10%。伤者自定残之日起20年;伤者60-75岁(不含):增1岁减1年;伤者75岁以上(含):5年。虽致残但收入未减或虽伤残等级轻但职业影响严重的,可调整残疾赔偿金。侵权法第16条司法解释第17条25条序号赔偿项目计算基数赔偿比例或条件赔偿期限及赔偿限额备注依据9残疾生活辅助具费普通使用器具的合理费用标准;或按照辅助器具配置机构的意见确定相应合理费用。 更换周期和赔偿期限参照配制机构的意见。 侵权法第16条司法解释第17条26条10残疾情况下的被扶养人生活费法院地上一年城镇居民人均消费性支出或农村居民人均年生活消费支出标准。司法解释仅说“根据抚养人丧失劳动能力程度”,但没有具体规定比例。因此,各法院自行确定比例,通常采用的比例是:1级100%,2级90%,,,10级10%。被扶养人无劳动能力又无其他生活来源的:20年;未成年人:到18岁;60-75岁(不含):增1岁减1年;75岁以上(含):5年。被扶养人有数人的:总额不超计算基数。侵权法没有;司法解释有。侵权法在后,司法解释在前。故:侵权法是否排除了司法解释中这些独有的项目?还是司法解释中这些独有的项目可以归为“残疾赔偿金”、“护理费”、“医疗费”的补充项目或细化项目?司法解释第17条28条11残疾情况下的康复护理没有规定。推测为实际支出。没有规定。推测为确有必要。没有规定。司法解释第17条12残疾情况下的继续治疗的康复费13残疾情况下护理费14残疾情况下后续治疗费15丧葬费法院地上一年度职工月平均工资标准6个月的总额 侵权法第16条司法解释17条27条序号赔偿项目计算基数赔偿比例或条件赔偿期限及赔偿限额备注依据16死亡赔偿金(死亡补偿费)法院地上一年度城镇居民人均可支配收入或者农村居民人均纯收入标准。 20年 亡者60-75岁(不含):增1岁减1年;亡者75岁以上(含):5年。 侵权法第16条司法解释第17条29条17死亡情况下被扶养人生活费法院地上一年城镇居民人均消费性支出或农村居民人均年生活消费支出标准。 被扶养人无劳动能力又无其他生活来源的:20年;未成年人:到18岁;60-75岁(不含):增1岁减1年;75岁以上(含):5年。被扶养人有数人的:总额不超计算基数。侵权法没有;司法解释有。侵权法在后,司法解释在前。故:侵权法是否排除了司法解释中这独有的项目?还是司法解释中这独有的项目可以归为“死亡赔偿金”? 司法解释17条30条18亲属办理丧葬事宜支出的交通费、住宿费和误工损失等 侵权法没有;司法解释有。侵权法在后,司法解释在前。故:侵权法是否排除了司法解释中这有的项目? 司法解释第17条序号赔偿项目计算基数赔偿比例或条件赔偿期限及赔偿限额备注依据19超过确定的护理期限、辅助器具费给付年限或者残疾赔偿金给付年限,赔偿权利人向人民法院起诉请求继续给付护理费、辅助器具费或者残疾赔偿金的没有规定。推测为实际支出。确需继续护理、配制辅助器具,或者没有劳动能力和生活来源的应当判令赔偿义务人继续给付相关费用5至10年 司法解释第32条20精神损害抚慰金 司法解释第18条《最高院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》:第十一条 雇员在从事雇佣活动中遭受人身损害,雇主应当承担赔偿责任。雇佣关系以外的第三人造成雇员人身损害的,赔偿权利人可以请求第三人承担赔偿责任,也可以请求雇主承担赔偿责任。雇主承担赔偿责任后,可以向第三人追偿。属于《工伤保险条例》调整的劳动关系和工伤保险范围的,不适用本条规定。第十二条 依法应当参加工伤保险统筹的用人单位的劳动者,因工伤事故遭受人身损害,劳动者或者其近亲属向人民法院起诉请求用人单位承担民事赔偿责任的,告知其按《工伤保险条例》的规定处理。因用人单位以外的第三人侵权造成劳动者人身损害,赔偿权利人请求第三人承担民事赔偿责任的,人民法院应予支持。第三十条 赔偿权利人举证证明其住所地或者经常居住地城镇居民人均可支配收入或者农村居民人均纯收入高于受诉法院所在地标准的,残疾赔偿金或者死亡赔偿金可以按照其住所地或者经常居住地的相关标准计算。 详细请参照附件↓↓↓